
Poster Avalon
Poster Avalon

Teoretic, nimic nou pe lume în filmul ăsta, pentru că tema e veche de cînd lumea (nu e totuși „Cogito ergo sum” 🙂 ); practic, m-a făcut curios să caut interpretări pentru o grămadă din simbolurile care apar în filmul ăsta. De ex. pagina asta despre final de pe cyberpunkreview.com. Din tot filmul, nu am de criticat decît „vorbăria” (sunt cîteva fraze în total :P) despre cele 9 surori care m-a făcut curios, dar n-am înțeles cum se leagă restul poveștii (la fel cum n-am înțeles ce naiba e cu Rosebud).

Și ca încheiere, citat din interpretarea finalului de pe Cyberpunkreview:

Question: So why does Murphy remove the bullets? Does it make any sense for Murphy to remove the bullets and let her kill him? It doesn’t to me, but maybe I missed something in the conversation between the two?

My Answer: Murphy removes the bullets because he already has made up his mind. Murphy’s reality IS class “Real” which means Ash’s purpose for coming has the complete reverse meaning for him – he will never return, but he still has a chance to “save” Ash. In the same way that Ash felt the need to rescue Murphy, a former team mate and possible lover, Murphy feels the need to rescue Ash from the real world. Murphy has already chosen his reality – he won’t return. He also feels responsible for bringing her there (this shows up as his anger). Had he shot her, he would have ensured she never experience “true” reality (Avalon). In the same way that Ash was willing to give up her life to save him, Murphy does the same for her. Welcome to Oshii’s version of a cyberpunk love story!